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Personal Responsibility, Accountability, and Discipline

This is to disuade those who would be easily offended or would neither provide useful feedback, or contribute anything worthwhile to the conversation. So, if you read, read at your own risk, and understand, that these are opinions, and if you don't like it, then just ignore it. Just another piece of wisdom.

The agenda, covering responsibility, then accountability and discipline. These are three topics that can easily all interoperate. Now these are also not the three, or the only topics, or the be all end all topics, but some things we need to cover. One lesson at a time, slow down, and absorb what is told, with a grain of salt. A tenant of wisdom. In some points, I may get a little heated, so bear with me.

If you observe, and possibly ask an elderly fellow, you will notice that a sense of responsibility has declined over the generations. Now this isn't just an exponential fall, but a slight, barely noticeable decline. You have to focus to see it. A lot of things we see today are due to a lack of personal responsibility. For instance, shootings, if this person was responsible, they would have gone to firearm safety courses, and learned how to safely operate a firearm and learn its nature. This is just of course the most recent example. One that I have noticed first hand, and felt is children's lack of respect. Respect, a whole different topic, save for another day. With personal responsibility, one must realize that, if you are willingly trying to have children, are stable in the world today? Can you support yourself, and the child, and also be there to mentor and nurture the child until they are ready to venture out on their own? If you take a serious step back, and look at your financial situation, personal habits, and life style, would that be an example for a child to be raised? I have noticed that a lot of people, for one example, have a child, don't wish to entertain them, so they put the child in front of a TV, or a computer, and let the child fend for themselves. Curiosity will take over, so no matter how innocent your intentions are, the child will soon channel surf, find those questionable shows for their age and then see that. Seeing that, they will accept it as normal, and thus, behave irresponsibly. Same goes for computers, and there are so many more dark corner of the Internet that would put fear into the eyes of most responsible people. This also has the same effect as channel surfing and watching questionable shows. As a parent it is your responsibility to care for your child. This doesn't mean give them everything they want, or make them completely happy all the time. As much as we want them to be happy and not have to suffer through miserable things, there comes a time to care for that child and give them what they need versus what they want. When a child acts up, you discipline. Discipline in accordance to the severity of the transgression. Now, This is a point to cover, don't just go haul off and wonk your child in the head or the body for the hell of it. If you do, you have issues, and shouldn't have your child any ways. If a child breaks something, or misbehaves severely, that calls for a spanking. If your child is not playing nice with others or is unable to share, for example, then you don't have to spank them, you would put them in time out. You might say, "ooh that's barbaric!", but I'll tell you this, it made me not do bad things, and it made other kids I know not do bad things. This new age bull shit of count to three doesn't work if you don't put the fear of God in the child. You don't have to beat your child in public either. If you make a threat or promise to spank, you keep it. If you don't, you appear weak, and show that promises are nothing to worry about. Its basically the same concept as a dog, but a child can communicate what they are feeling easier than your furbaby. Again, some might say, "My child is not an animal!" Well, for those of you who say that, what the hell do you think a human being is? We're freaking animals, and animals learn through pain. Do you run off and touch the red hot iron on the stove because you can? No, you know not to because it hurts. Thus you don't do it again. Now, it might take a couple times, but you'll get the hang of pain. How to apply this to raising your child, it takes time, and patience. If you don't have the patience to do that, then again, don't make babies. As your child grows, they'll remember certain things and thus, be more well behaved. NOW, if you are constantly angry, always being negative, then your child will resent you. Do as necessary, and no more. They will see the ways eventually, and not hate you. They will hate you if you berate them and make them feel like shit.

This ties into accountability because if you have a child you are accountable for them at all times. If you are unable to be accountable for anything, again, don't bother with children. If you maintain accountability, you are showing responsibility, and the ability to keep promises, and thus setting the example for your kid. These are not always easy tasks, and will sap you of energy, and that's why kids seem to take so much energy. Again, just don't if you can't. If you instil discipline into your child, then at school, they will be more behaved, and learn more, and thus, be smarter, more productive, and cared for. Teachers noticed this a long time ago, and tried to take matters into their hands. Then the irresponsible, unaccountable adults with children, who never disciplined their kids at home because it was "barbaric" come in and make a big fucking stink and now teachers can't defend or teach their students. This gets them walked over and then, grades, graduation rates and such drop. This is where my experience has come into play. Being that I have relatives who are teachers, I see the irresponsibility and indiscipline that these kids have. One of my family members was subject to this, and mind you that this person is a preschool teacher. They can no longer grab the kids by their shirt collar, or ear, or yell at them. They can only count to three, and then put them in timeout, that is if the teacher can catch them. The example goes, this 4 year old kid was chasing another similarly aged kid with a toy, hitting him in the head. The kid getting hit ran away, and the teacher said to stop that. The kid persisted and the teacher said it again, and told the child they were going to be put in timeout. Again, the third time, the teacher said this, and the kid hitting the other, looked at the teacher and said, "I heard you the first time."  Now, if your jaw isn't hitting the ground, you're either thinking about how to take care of this problem, or you're one of those irresponsible parents, and again, shouldn't have kids. Because people are lazy, and unable to be accountable, these children are a mess, and will continue to terrass the school. Sure, you could say that they'll grow out of it or mature. Have you looked at kids these days? I have, even from when I was in school. They feel obligated, gimme gimme, and I don't want to, or don't have to.

I guess I have covered discipline for the most part. Parents need to have the discipline to take care of a child and continue one. I guess I could define the word discipline. When I say the word, what do you think of? Order, robotic, "the system"? It means not only orderly, and well behaved, but the ability to hold yourself accountable and be responsible. You could view it as a tree of sorts.

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| |-The ability to accept ones decisions and actions
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| |-The measure of which you hold yourself to something

To close, I did have a lot more rants to spew, but those are for another post. For now, ponder, and learn the above words. They don't need to be in a sentence or book, just the words and thought over. Remember, wisdom and knowledge are two separate things, and must work together to get the desired goal. Until next time, remember to discipline not only your child, but yourself.


Tabatha Rowden said...

AMEN Phil!!! Well said and very honest! I think a lot of people feel this way but are too "weak" to really say it! I completely agree with you! As a parent and even as an educator. Kids are responsibility! Not a burden. I know some parents that have referred to their kids in the version "you do the crime, you pay the time"... kind of sad really... But they are out there.

JB said...

I do have to agree on this, parents just think being light handed and wagging their figure at them is going to solve it or putting them infront of a tv will keep them occupied. i remember my parents doing things with us and making time. need to get rid of half of the social media and crap as well. But yeah no one will accept responsibility or fault. why everything has become so hostile anymore and back stabbing has become the new thing.

Unknown said...

Also, check out a book called "Radical" by Michelle Rhee.