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Yes, what does that make me?

yes, i what does that make me? no such thing as goth, its a type of archecture, no such thing as evil, or i wouldnt have amazing friends. i am what i am, i do what i do, for it is what flows inside me. nothing wrong, nothing good, all it matters how it affects people, only you judge me. i wear it because i mourn. i mourn for all the innocence that is lost, all the pain that is caused, all the love slain. i feel it inside my chest because, i have been there before. i know when you reflect, there is a taint on your slate. warm or cold, the same thing shows, all we do is try. try for what is only in our minds, we can only do what we feel. i feel it is me, i who am the one who should mourn, to help others have their way and seek what they want. the judicature, i only be fair, no judgment from here, only fair assessments. but i mourn those who tatter my words, my thoughts, and my feelings. i mourn for those who do not care, or care to understand. yes, i wear it, it is what i feel inside, but it is a coal that is warm in my chest, still breathing flame to the desires and feelings of life. yes, i wear it, black. in black, you cannot tell who is who, cannot judge by our face. in black we are equal, no one stronger, no one weaker. there is the balance that is called for. no, open your eyes, i wear the black, but it is what is inside me, blance and equality. yes, i wear it, yes it may shroud your eyes from your wanted judgments, but what does that make you?

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